The Mango’s Place™ focus for infants includes a nurturing environment, while stimulating their cognitive development with activities such as tummy time, visual tracking, open ended play and providing a sense of security. To discover more about our infant program, continue scrolling.
What We Learn
Cognitive Development
Mango’s Place uses high contrast manipulatives to help strengthen visual development in young infants. Infants will explore their senses with sensory blocks, colorful playmats and can listen along with a variety of classical music, sing-along songs and instruments.
Tummy Time
Encouraging infants to build muscles and coordination needed for rolling over, crawling, reaching and later standing and walking. Supervised tummy time is crucial in the earliest months of an infant’s development. Teachers are trained to encourage the infant’s ability to lift their heads using high contrast manipulatives and moving objects to keep them engaged.
Visual Tracking
Teachers will encourage visual tracking at each milestone by using high contrast flash cards, mirrors and light up manipulatives. Helping infants master the skill of tracking moving objects assists in the develop of hand eye coordination, which is a skill later used for reading and writing.
Meal Time
Refrigeration: Refrigeration is provided for all milk storage during the day.
Breast Milk: Breast milk is required to have an additional label for the date it was pumped. Milk may come in frozen in a separate container from the bottle if needed.
Formula: Bottles are required to be pre-mixed upon drop off.
Safety: For safety and warming purposes, glass and silicone bottles are not permitted.
Daily Snacks: Licensing requires parents to provide all snacks for infants at this age. Mango’s Place will provide Cheerios, with a parent’s written consent.
Please pack your child’s nut-free snacks with an ice pack or in a thermos to keep their food at the appropriate temperature.
Refrigeration and microwaving meals are not provided at Mango’s Place. Please pack your child’s nut-free meals with an ice pack or in a thermos to keep their food at the appropriate temperature.
Please label your child’s bottles and cups with their:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Reservation Date
Other items, such as: diaper bags, clothing and blankets will need to have your child’s first and last name on them.
Bag Tags: Diaper bag tags are provided at time of registration.

Daily Schedule
Schedules are subject to change based on the needs of children.
Arrivals, Breakfast, Cognitive Development Activities
Visual Development Activities
Lunch and Socialization Activities
Nap and Quiet Time Activities
Physical Development Activities
Pack up, Cognitive Development Activities
These activities include: Play mats, visual tracking, high contrast cards, flashcards and books. / Peek-a-boo, mirror time – self recognition and tummy time facing friends.
These activities include: Repetitive games, interaction with other children, responding to different facial expressions, exploring new objects, cloth books to explore textures and musical exploration.
These activities include: exploring, crawling and pulling themselves up, push and pull games with balls and soft toys, walking, talking, dancing and singing action songs, action games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake and pretending to be an animal.
Jungle Insights

Cribs and crib sheets are provided for all children in attendance. Sleep sacks and swaddle blankets are permitted for children unable to roll themselves over. Blankets can be placed in cribs at 12 months of age. Please visit our Parent Handbook for more information.

Please provide a sufficient quantity of disposable diapers for your child’s visit, along with a change of clothing. Licensing requires diapers to be checked every two hours or when needed. Please visit our Parent Handbook for more information.

Mango’s Place takes great pride in our cleaned and well-kept facilities. Toys, play equipment, meal and sleep areas are deep cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis with hospital -grade, natural cleaning products.