Mango’s Place™ uses a combination of fine and gross motor play to help children build balance, strength and develop useful skills. We encourage children at this age to explore their imagination through role playing, thinking outside the box and to start expressing their individuality. Children will become more independent and learn how to positively communicate with teachers and friends.
What We Learn
Fine and Gross Motor
By this age children are on the move in a big way! Teachers in this classroom will help children channel their bouncy energy into meaningful gross motor play. We will do this through activities such as rolling and receiving a ball, jumping and moving to mimic their favorite animals and the ability to climb up and down. Each of these skills help build a child’s balance, strength and confidence.
Fine motor at this age relies a lot on hand-eye coordination. We help enhance fine motor abilities by turning pages in a book one at a time, sorting shapes, manipulating peg boards, stringing and stacking rings, building towers and scribbling lines with multiple writing instruments. Developing these skills help them become more independent and you will start to notice them feeding themselves by using utensils and being able to help get themselves dressed.
Meaningful Instruction
Meaningful instruction promotes active, collaborative, constructive and authentic learning. Our teachers provide this through developmentally appropriate activities.
Circle time is a group activity that is crucial for making connections to the outside world through short stories and interactive songs.
Children will be given the chance to sort objects by different attributes, such as colors, shapes and sizes.
Dramatic play boxes open the door for imagination, taking turns, role playing and learning how to put things away when you’re done. These activities challenge young minds to think outside the box, take risks and express their individuality.
Positive Communication
At this age, communication can become frustrating when expressing their wants and needs. Mango’s Place encourages positive communication with friends and teachers through sharing, role playing, body language and using their words.
Participating in activities where all their friends get a turn during group play, as well as children led activities will instill a child’s sense of self value and empathy for others. This will help ensure positive communication during meaningful play and instruction.
Meal Time
Please be sure to provide your child the necessary sippy cups, as this may include milk, water or juice. These cups will be refrigerated during your child’s stay at Mango’s Place.
Mango’s provides snack two times a day. Please provide any additional nut-free snacks you would like for your child to have. Apple juice will be supplemented if not drink has been provided.
Please pack your child’s nut-free meals with an ice pack or in a thermos to keep their food at the appropriate temperature. Refrigeration and microwaving meals are not provided at Mango’s Place.
Please label your child’s cups with their:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Reservation Date
Other items, such as: bags, clothing and comfort items will need to have your child’s first and last name on them.
Bag Tags: Bag tags are provided at time of registration.
Daily Schedule
Arrivals, Breakfast, Small Group Activities
Table activities / Dramatic play
Large motor and Fine motor activities
Circle time stories and finger plays
Morning snack
Sensory / Dramatic play
Artistic exploration
Outdoor play
Lunch time
Nap / quiet time
Snack time
Large motor and Fine motor activities
Artistic exploration
Fine motor
Outdoor play
Snack time
Play centers
Story time
Teacher led activities
Jungle Insights
Mats, along with sheets and blankets are provided for all children in attendance. Our scheduled nap time will take place after lunch; however, children are not required to rest while at Mango’s Place.
Please provide a sufficient quantity of disposable diapers for your child’s visit, along with a change of clothing. Licensing requires diapers to be checked every two hours or when needed. Please visit our Parent Handbook for more information.
Mango’s Place takes great pride in our cleaned and well-kept facilities. Toys, play equipment, meal and sleep areas are deep cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis with hospital -grade, natural cleaning products.