Mango’s Place™ works diligently with children at this age to show them empathy and understanding, which helps teach them compassion, appreciation and kindness. We encourage children to start making sense of the world around them by learning through imaginative play. We take activities to new levels and may even turn our classroom into a jungle, restaurant or castle. Children will become more independent and be able to participate in more advanced communication and classroom activities.
What We Learn
Socialization and Positive Communication
At this age we are working on moving away from being egocentric and towards a more mature understanding of the world around them. Common attributes of children at this age include impulsive behaviors, impatience and disregarding the feelings of others.
How do we help them? Our teachers will work diligently by showing empathy and understanding. This will teach them compassion, appreciation and kindness. We will help by not only modeling these behaviors but also providing literature with characters that they can relate to or teach them to accept, respect and value differences of others. These are all tools that will challenge their idea of “normal” and help them to be successful in the coming years.
Meaningful Play through Imagination
Kids learn about the world through movement and play, open-ended toys and imaginative pretend play. Their imagination is now developed enough to dive into a make-believe setting. This gives a whole new meaning to simple toys and play centers. For example: a teddy bear may no longer be “just” a teddy bear, he could now be the king of “Tai’s jungle”. Tai’s classroom assists in challenging young minds to think outside the box, take risks and express their individuality.
Each thoughtfully designed center is equipped with the necessary tools for children to explore. Having multiple centers allows children to engage in an experience based on their own interests. When a self-directed learner is engaged in meaningful play, they allow themselves the opportunity to develop skills as they make sense of the world around them.
Building Blocks of Development
At Mango’s we understand the importance of implementing complex ideas, in a simple way, to children as young as small infants. We do this by helping children expand ideas at each milestone.
For example: we take a simple flash card image of a tiger used for young infants to assist with visual development. For older infants they now understand this image is a tiger. By the age of two a child can tell you, not only that it is a tiger but also the color of the animal and the sound they make. At this age we are encouraging them to let their imagination run wild and let that same tiger be anything they want. All the while having the ability to distinguish what is pretend and what is real world.
In this age group we focus on nurturing and supporting all areas of development for children to reach their full potential before advancing to the next age group.
Meal Time
Please be sure to provide your child the necessary sippy cups, with their needed fluids throughout the day, as this may include milk, water or juice. These cups will be refrigerated during your child’s stay at Mango’s.
Mango’s provides snack two times a day. Please provide any additional nut-free snacks you would like for your child to have. Apple juice will be supplemented if not drink has been provided.
Please pack your child’s nut-free meals with an ice pack or in a thermos to keep their food at the appropriate temperature. Refrigeration and microwaving meals are not provided at Mango’s Place.
Please label your child’s cups with their:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Reservation Date
Other items, such as: diaper bags, clothing and comfort items will need to have your child’s first and last name on them.
Bag Tags: Bag tags are provided at time of registration.

Daily Schedule
Arrivals, Breakfast, Small Group Activities
Table activities / Dramatic play
Large motor and Fine motor activities
Circle time stories and finger plays
Morning snack
Sensory / Dramatic play
Artistic exploration
Outdoor play
Lunch time
Nap / quiet time
Snack time
Large motor and Fine motor activities
Artistic exploration
Fine motor
Outdoor play
Snack time
Play centers
Story time
Teacher led activities
Jungle Insights

Mats, along with sheets and blankets are provided for all children in attendance. Our scheduled nap time will take place after lunch; however, children are not required to rest while at Mango’s Place.

Please provide a sufficient quantity of disposable diapers for your child’s visit, along with a change of clothing. Licensing requires diapers to be checked every two hours or when needed. Please visit our Parent Handbook and our Potty Training Assistance Program for more information.

Mango’s Place takes great pride in our cleaned and well-kept facilities. Toys, play equipment, meal and sleep areas are deep cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis with hospital -grade, natural cleaning products.